IST Annual Security and Insider Threat Training

About Course

Our Industrial Security Training allows the FSO to know exactly what training has been done and by which employee.

You keep up with the yearly training, you have certification of completed training and you add employees when you need.

Take it anytime, add employees as needed.

Our Industrial Security Training online takes care of your government required annual training needs (see 32CFR §117 NISPOM Rule requirements)

Unlike in person training, our Industrial Security Training eliminates the need for special meetings, experiencing schedule conflicts and frustrating reschedules. Online means the employee will be able to take the training whenever and wherever convenient to them.

Material Includes

- 1/2 hour on-demand video training

- 5 Sections

- Download certificate upon completion
- Full year access

- Access from laptop or desktop

- FSO management of employee groups

Simple Registration

- Choose from Individual or Group

- For Groups, enter in Company Name and the number of employees to be certified

- Check out with Credit Card or Paypal


- No previous training or experience is necessary to take this course.

- Any computer and OS will work — we suggest using Chrome or Edge for best results

- The course includes a 5-minute introduction and how to take the training

Who is this for?

- Take this course if you are required to have the annual refresher certification

- Take this course if you want to decide when and where you get your training

- Take this course if you are an FSO and manage the employees certification

Topics covered in IST online training

  • Required by 32CFR -117 NISPOM Rule
    • Insider Threat Training (-117.12(g))
    • Annual Refresher Security Training (-117.12(k))
    • Annual CUI Training (-117.12(f))
    • Initial Security Briefing for new clearance holders (-117.12(e))
  • Additional Topics mentioned
    • Derivative Marking
    • Export control